Ladies Gym Near Me

Introducing You to Elevate Training’s Ladies-Only Gyms

If you’re a gym lady or part of a gym ladies’ group and you’re either living in or travelling around Oman, there’s a good chance you’ll want access to a ladies’ gym where you can either train alone or as part of a group.

Many of our female clients who come to Elevate Training often ask whether there’s a ladies-only gym nearby.  This is always a great question and we’re proud to be able to answer the ‘ladies gym near me’ or the ‘women’s gym near me‘ with a big YES!

Our ladies-only gyms are located in Al Qurum very close to Ras Al Hamra and Madinat Qaboos beside the Salam Square area. You can find out more details about the nearest ladies’ gym to me here.

The Importance of Ladies-Only Gyms

As more women start to take an interest in health and fitness, it’s been an important step in providing them with women’s gyms or women’s only spaces in gyms for them to be able to exercise.

The ladies-only gyms are very important for the following reasons:


Especially in the case where gyms offer 24/7 access, safety is of paramount importance, especially for women and they need to know they’re going to be safe at the gym, and providing a ladies’ gym is a good way of doing this.

Tailored Workouts

The great aspect of our Elevate Training ladies’ gym is that we have 9 very experienced female coaches from around the world. These coaches can help gym ladies train effectively and perform exercises safely to help avoid injuries. Our female trainers can also work with clients to help them meet their goals, whether that’s muscle building, weight loss or something else.


This is an important topic as to why ladies-only gyms are essential. Many ladies want to train through their pregnancies and get back to exercise as soon as their baby has been born. Doing this in a regular gym can be intimidating and off-putting, which is where ladies-only gyms help to support them.


Female-only gyms are a great way for women to meet like-minded people and foster long-term friendships, whilst supporting each other on their exercise journey.

These are just a few reasons why, if you’re a lady you should consider joining a ladies-only gym, but if you have any further concerns, come and chat to us at Elevate Training and we’ll help to ease your concerns.

Different Exercises for Ladies at the Gym

Whether you’re male or female, the gym is a great place to go to begin your fitness journey, help you to recover from injury, return to exercise after a break, or even to continue your fitness journey. Another great aspect about the gym is that it’s there for you all year round, no matter the weather you can count on the gym being available to exercise in.

As we covered in our other article, ‘Gym workout plan‘ there are many ways for you to be able to improve your health and fitness at the gym.

Here is a list of a few different ladies’ gym exercises: 


Unfortunately, no matter whether you’re a man or woman you’ll still have to do some cardio exercise to help raise your heart rate and help to burn fat. The good news is that there are a few different options for your choice of cardio exercise, which include, running, swimming, indoor cycling, racket sports or even just walking is good.

Weight Lifting

If you’re a gym lady and you wish to embark on a muscle-building programme, you’ll need to lift weights like the men. Below are few options:

Weighted Hip Bridge

This exercise will help work the glutes and is done by resting a dumbbell or barbell over the hips lowering yourself towards the ground and driving upwards.

Dumbbell Lunge

This will target the other major muscle groups in the legs and is done by holding a dumbbell in each hand and stepping forward into a lunge position on either leg.

Floor or Bench Press

This one is ideal for building the upper body and you should choose a weight that you can press for between 8 and 10 reps, with the last few reps being challenging.

Abs Workout

For your abs, you have a variety of exercises to choose from, including leg raises, Russian twists, planks, crunches and mountain climbers.


In any training, recovering should be a big part of your routine to help you recover from exercise and help to avoid injury. Women-only exercises could include Yoga or Pilates or just simple stretching exercises.

This is a very basic workout plan that aims to target the whole body, but it can also be made more difficult by adding more weight or increasing the reps.

Click here to learn about our nearby men’s gyms

A Look at Ladies’ Gym Wear

Ladies, we get you, your gym wear is super important! Whilst men are generally happy to throw on a pair of shorts or tracksuit bottoms and a vest, when it comes to ladies’ gym wear there needs to be a mix of practicality, comfort and fashion.

Generally, when we think of ladies’ gym clothes we think of gym leggings, sports bras or other sports tops and in some cases, ladies prefer shorts if that suits their style and comfort. What’s important to remember when selecting your ladies’ gym wear is that it’s appropriate for the exercises you want to undertake and you’re going to feel happy wearing it.

Gym Leggings

One of the earliest things to consider when buying a pair of gym leggings is whether you’re going to be hitting the treadmill or squatting weights. We say this because these two different types of leggings will vary in the support they give for each type of exercise.

Sports Bra

Ladies, you need to make sure that you’ve got a sports bra that adequately supports your breasts and also leaves you feeling comfortable during exercise. Another reason why this is so important is that if you’re regularly exercising, excessive movement in the top half of your body over a long period could cause injuries and leave you feeling like you need to take a break from exercise. Our female personal trainers at Elevate Training are well-placed to advise on the most suitable sports bras to fit your needs.

Shorts/Cycling Shorts

Many women will choose to opt for shorts, and especially if training in warmer countries such as Oman, wearing shorts would be a really good idea, even if our gyms are air-conditioned! Like any other piece of ladies’ gym clothes, these need to be comfortable, and suit your style and the exercises you’ll be performing. Adding cycling shorts to your wardrobe will make your indoor cycling sessions much more comfortable.

Ladies Gym Suits

The gym suit for ladies is also another popular option for those women who enjoy skin-tight clothing which is also made from a breathable material.

The Best Ladies’ Gym Shoes

Having the correct footwear is essential when undertaking exercise and you want footwear that offers comfort, and style, is practical for your chosen exercises and doesn’t break the bank – that’s not too much to ask for is it?

It’s also important to note that if you’re just going to be undertaking a general workout which involves some cardio and gym classes, you probably won’t need anything other than a regular pair of gym trainers. On the other hand, if you want to specialise in a certain area such as weightlifting or cycling then it would be worthwhile investing in a pair of shoes that can help you with these disciplines.

General Gym Shoes

To be honest, you can pretty much pick up a pair of general gym shoes from any sports shop or even some other types of retailers. All you need to be mindful of is that they fit well, they provide the correct support around your feet and ankles, and they suit your type of feet.

Some of the best brands to look out for are what you’d already associate with sportswear such as Nike, Adidas, Reebok or Fila – it’s best to look around to find which pair suits you best.

Specialist Gym Shoes

If you’re looking to get into more specialist areas such as weightlifting, getting yourself a pair of weightlifting shoes is vital. The main benefits of weightlifting shoes are that they provide more support and the elevated heel allows the lifter to drop further down into moves such as the squat which helps stimulate muscle growth.

Another type of specialist gym shoe you could look into is called ‘cleats’ and these are cycling-specific shoes. They’re normally worn for outdoor riding, but some indoor cycling machines will allow you to attach cleats to them. Cleats off the rider enhanced power transfer when cycling and are actually better for your foot compared to regular gym trainers.

This brief roundup of ladies’ gym shoes is designed to point you in the right direction, but our Elevate Training personal trainers would be pleased to provide you with more specific information on the best footwear to suit your fitness journey.

Ladies, is There a Best Time to Workout?

If you’re after some ladies’ fitness time and you’re wondering if there’s a best time to workout then you’ll be pleased to know that getting a workout at anytime of the day is beneficial to your overall health.

If you do have the time, embarking on fitness for ladies in the morning can help set you up for the rest of the day and encourage good habits throughout the day. Another good thing about a morning workout is that it’s done and dusted and you can tick it off your list for another day!

That being said, not everyone, especially those with little ones has the time to workout in the morning, but don’t despair because working out in the afternoon or evening is also great! Undertaking exercise can help sleep quality, so you’ll be able to drift off into a great slumber after your workout. Or, if it’s muscle building you’re after, working out in the evening may lead to larger gains.

Hearing From Others

If you’re in Oman and you Google ‘fitness gym near me for ladies’ you’ll no doubt come across Elevate Training, and we urge you to check out our testimonials so you can see how we’ve helped people just like you on their fitness journeys.

Common Questions & Answers

What is a women’s only gym?

A women’s only gym is either a gym that is solely designated for women to use, or more commonly it’s a part of a larger gym that has been sectioned off for only women to use.

How much is gym membership in Oman?

Typically, gym membership in Oman costs between 20 and 40 OMR per month whilst personal training prices start from 150 OMR per month and can reach 250 OMR per month.

Is gym important for girls?

Yes, the gym is important for girls and women to help themselves keep fit and healthy. The gym is not only a place to keep fit, it is also a social place where girls and women can make friends and learn more about health and fitness. Attending the gym and working out can also lead to improved self-confidence.

At what age should girls start gym?

Normally, most girls start heading to the gym when they’re between 12 and 16 years old, although this age range does differ between different countries. Sometimes if a child under the age of 18 wishes to attend the gym they need to be accompanied by an appropriate adult.